
An Updated Commenting Policy at Design Sojourn

From what the experts tell me about comment moderation, the best tactic is to leave a little note to remind visitors the following:

Commenting Rules: I love reading your comments as it allows me to interact and learn from you. Being critical is fine, giving constructive


Server Problems

Edit 4: Media Temple and I have come to a mutual understanding on this issue which has not really been resolved. Separately the up time of this blog, still at MT, seems to have stabilized. Whatever that has been causing the random


Blogging Break

piglet Sorry for the lack of updates on this blog as I was on vacation all last week. I had hope to get back into the swing of things this week, but unfortunately I have manged



What a crazy few months I had on both my work and home front! As a result of this I have not had the time to blog, and so I like to apologize for the lack of posts or updates. However I have