
5 mins with Pernilla Johansson on The Future of Food Preparation

Edit: Due to a server hack and the subsequent WordPress re-installation, we lost a number of files including this podcast. We are as annoyed as you are, and apologies for any inconvenience caused.
I manage to get an opportunity to have a quick to chat with Pernilla Johansson. She is the Asia-pacific Design Director of Electrolux and is based here in Singapore. In the spirit of designing the future in 2050, I asked her about “The Future of Food Preparation”.
Oh by the way when she mentions about turning vegetarian, she was kidding. She was responding to a 2050 scenario where it was proposed to recycle old buildings into high rise farm. (ie cows on the 5th floor, and lettuces on the 15th).

  • ponyo

    April 21, 2011 at 5:51 pm Reply

    This is really an interesting interview but the file seems deleted. The audio does not open. Is there any other way to reach this interview? I would reaally like to listen it!

  • fecsx

    November 27, 2009 at 1:53 pm Reply

    another great interview:F i love the fun and joking next to the interesting issues. thx!

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