5 minutes with Michelle Berryman on Designers moving towards Designing Experiences
Edit: Due to a server hack and the subsequent WordPress re-installation, we lost a number of files including this podcast. We are as annoyed as you are, and apologies for any inconvenience caused.
I finally got the pleasure to meet up with Michelle Berryman in person. I got know Michelle as a moderator at Core77 and also follow her closely on Twitter (@micberryman). Many Design Sojourn readers from the US would probably recognize her as the former president of the IDSA.
During the day she is the founder and principle designer at Echo Visualization, a consultancy that focuses on interaction and user experience design. So over a nice morning coffee (or kopi as we call it here), I asked her what she thought of Bruce Nussbaum’s comment that Designers are moving away from designing products to designing experiences.
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