
The Lifecycle of a Designer: Part 2

Thanks for all the great comments and input you have left from Part 1. It has really given me a great insight to what you want to see here on Design Sojourn. So onwards to Part 2! In the Part 1 we looked at the hierarchy


The Lifecycle of a Designer: Part 1

Edit: Spelling and grammar checked and re-checked as per popular request! One thing that I believe many designers, managers of designers, or buyers of design talent will struggle with, is the understanding of a Designer's Lifecycle within the design industry. Dealing with Lifecycle problems come in many


Disappointed with Objectified

[Edited: Grammar and Phrasing] I really was not going to write much this week, being sick and all. But after a blog post and comment exchange, I cannot help but feel fired up to share


How to avoid "Mental Masturbation"?

Image source: Cab Ride (Ecstasy) So what, you may ask, is "Mental Masturbation"? Well the first logical assumption that comes to mind is procrastination. Actually, though, it's not quite what I would call procrastination. Let me explain. A design lecturer friend coined


A Blueprint for Design Education 2.0

I often like to get myself into a spot of teaching, collaborating with and critiquing students. I find it enhances and consolidates what I have learned in my career in Design. I do recommend that designers, especially the senior ones, take some time


Oh No! Another Design Bites the Dust…

Image by pmorgan There often comes a time when designers gather around, give each other hugs, pass the tissues, and say farewell to the fruits of their labor. Saying farewell to designs that did not make it. Kidding aside, this is one


How to be a Design Superstar!

Bono Glasses by killkenny That's right everyone just wants to be a Design Superstar? Oh really? No the fact of the matter is, when all else is equal, Superstars get hired, and boring designers don't. The main difference between the two? The Superstar has the ability


The Corporate Designer's Survival Guide

A designer in corporate life is not that easy. It does has it pros and cons, but the reality is not only will you have to do good design work, you will have to navigate the corporate ladder as well as all its related


Six Tips for Managing Design or Specification "Creep"

One of the issues industrial designers, often working in a high level strategic roles, face is the dreaded "Design Creep" or some call "Specification Creep". Year after year it's the same old unproductive story, and I hazard a guess probably for you as well.


Innovation is Everybody’s Responsibility

A few times a year most companies tend to start or relook at their Innovation and product development cycles for the following year. Often involved in such matters, I've experienced that most of the time, elements of the answer involves Innovations and some of


Essential Websites for Industrial Designers

There are just so many websites out there these days, so how do Industrial Designers determine the ones that are worth looking at, and relevant to the wide range of topics covered in the Industrial Design profession? Therefore I have decided to create a