
What is Design Worth? A Masterclass on Design’s Value

Our partners Methodology.sg is running an awesome Masterclass workshop called: DESIGN LEADERSHIP: How to Identify and Communicate the Value of Design.
Details as follows:

Design as a Strategy is the next big thing. Enlightened companies such as Apple, Dyson and PepsiCo have bet on Design and won. But to bet on something you need to know its value, unfortunately many designers and creatives find it hard to identify and put a value on design. Thus communicating and articulating this value to business stakeholders becomes a big challenge.
Our next Masterclass Workshop Design Leadership – Identifying and Communicating the Value of Design was created to solve this challenge.
Delivered by expert and renown Design Leaders, Robb Ziegler & Deb Mrazek, this workshop is ideal for Creatives, Policy Makers, Design Managers, Account Directors, Design Educators or Design Thinkers who want to bridge the gap between their passion in Design and the value of their work.
Date: 9 – 10 March 2017
Time: 9.00am – 5.30pm
Price: $1,200 nett (Original Price $1,700)
More: http://methodology.sg
Spaces are limited, so email admin@methodology.sg to reserve your place now!

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