
How to Work From Home as a Designer

  If you have been working from home the past year or so, you are not alone!   As you know, since the Covid-19 pandemic erupted, remote working has started to become a norm (due to safe management measures to mitigate the risk of wide-spreading the virus). You


Chris Bangle on Design Leadership

Bradley Derry (at Fuel Your Product Design) ran a really nice interview with Chris Bangle on what makes a good design leader. It is really good to hear from Chris, a friend of Design Sojourn, who has been somewhat quiet of late. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/24080982?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="520"


9 Lessons from a Design Entrepreneur

Sometime in 2006, I decided that if I were going to be designing commercially successful products and strategies, I would need to know what it is really like to run a business, a business that would