
Reinventing Work

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Seth Godin's new book, Linchpin (Amazon link), reinvents work by challenging everyone to be an "Artist" now! (Check out the Linchpin manifesto graphic above for a gist!)


Design's Return on Investment

Looks like China is getting it when it comes to design. In a recent interview on the local Chinese CCTV, Chen Dongliang, Director of the Beijing Industrial Design Center, has highlighted the tremendous economic value of Industrial Design to China's economy.

The output value of industrial


Why are there so few truly remarkable products?

It's quite simple really. Our industrialized economy, founded on mass manufacturing and economies of scale spurred by consumerism, is the greatest enemy of remarkable products. Of course many products will come close, in fact many will be hailed as fantastic or even great, but the truly remarkable


Design by Making the Unconscious Conscious

See you can find interesting stuff on Facebook.

"人が無意識の状態でやってしまってることに興味があって、そこにはめこんだほうが、モノが素直にとけ込んでいくのではないかと考えたりする。自然にやることの行為の断片に、その“人となり“みたいなものがでてくることがある。デザインはそこまで考えた上で、非常に客観的な立場をとっていなければいけないということ" ~ Naoto Fukasawa in 2007
"What people do unconsciously decides how naturally a thing should be designed, because at times, a person's character can be seen in his unconscious deeds. A designer must take all that into account and


5 Things I Wish for in 2010?

Dawn is too early Image by Rob Warde Wow what a year 2009 was? We got hit right in the face by the economic down turn and designers all over the world were falling like flies as companies cut R&D or design