
iPhone vs E71: What a Tough Choice?

What started with a number of Plurks and Twitter messages, snowballed into what you see above. I now have in my hands a very tasty E71 Steel White which I shamelessly lined up next to my equally tasty white iPhone 16GB! Alright I know you want details.


The Next Industrial Design Evolution

In short Industrial Design has evolved into a holistic expression of "everything" that is required to create the product. Expanding on this, the Industrial Design of these products were inspired by the product's manufacturing processes or materials and specifically designed to express it as


10 Tips on landing you an Industrial Design Job

Originally published on 20 April, 2006. Edit 1: Updated 25 Aug 2007 Edit 2: Updated 16 Nov 2008. This has to be one of the "classics" here at Design Sojourn, and a post that got me noticed in the blogosphere! Here it is updated again for 2008!


A Good Design Makes your Mind BLINK!

(This post was updated and edited. The original was published on the 19 Dec, 2005!) John Maeda, formerly from MIT Media Labs, and now RISD President, spoke about how "good art makes our mind blink". John was referencing Malcolm Gladwell's Blink with his art


Has Design Evolved since Papanek?

Such legendary negativity. There are professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a very few of them. And possibly only one profession is phonier. Advertising design, in persuading people to buy things they don’t need, with money they don’t have, in order to impress others


A Good Strategy is like a Good Movie

The title of this quick post came up in a recent discussion I had with a business partner. After further reflection, I find this very true. It is applicable to all forms of strategy including design. So let me reword this: A good


Blog Action Day 2008 – Poverty (and Design)

October 15, is Blog Action Day 2008! This is where bloggers from around the world get together to talk about a common theme or topic. This year's topic is about Poverty, and as Design Sojourn is a design blog, it will be about


"Flatshare" wins Electrolux Design Lab 2008

I don't really do this sort of thing often, but check out this worthy forehead slapping idea that really makes one say "why did I not think of that"? Stefan Buchberger, from the University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria, has been chosen winner of the Electrolux


Industrial Design and The Branding Mad Men

It's about time, the (M)Ad Men figured that out. Well they sort of did before and there always been Industrial Designers in advertising and branding. But much of the focus then was on packaging design, and Industrial Design was often seen as nothing


Better Time to Market with Rapid Manufacturing

We have an interesting Design Article contribution this week by Chris Nobles, an Industrial Designer working for HJC Design in the UK. He write today about Rapid Manufacturing and its impact on our product development process. A great read with lots of technical


Designers must Develop Critical Insight

Image source: Insight One of the key factors I noticed in any successful product and/or design, was that the product's designer had some kind of critical insight. It is this "ah-hah!", this "Wow!", this "Eureka" moment that can turn any design into a great one. It