Old Habits are Hard to Break…
So last week, I got issued with a work laptop. It was a 12" Screen Dell Latitude D430 no bigger than my A4 sketchbook. It is a pretty decent, abet slow, system with an Intel Core 2, 1.2 GHz with 2 GB of
So last week, I got issued with a work laptop. It was a 12" Screen Dell Latitude D430 no bigger than my A4 sketchbook. It is a pretty decent, abet slow, system with an Intel Core 2, 1.2 GHz with 2 GB of
Image Source: Showing Respect.
With a sigh, I turn the lights and radio off, and shut my office door for the last time.
After almost 5 1/2 years and 5 international design awards later, I have decided to resign from my position as
Inspired by Jason Santa Maria's "If you were a Typeface", I thought it would be cool if we did a similar rendition but relate it to products? So consider this, if you were a product, what sort of product would you be? You
Kenny, a clever chap who is also a chair of his local IDSA student chapter, asked me "What do you think are the responsibilities of designers today?" I was just about to rattle off the usual expected blurbs, sustainable design, user friendly design, ergonomics etc. But
To be an industrial designers you have to be three people at the same time. You have to be the crazy person. Then you have to be the person who reviews those crazy ideas and says, "no, not that, and not that either". The third person has to
[Edited: Grammar and Phrasing]
I really was not going to write much this week, being sick and all. But after a blog post and comment exchange, I cannot help but feel fired up to share
Heard in a fictional design studio near you.
Me: Yo man, how is it going? Designer: Great! I'm just sketching/developing/refining this concept. Me: Cool, so how do they look? Designer: Here they are
Michael DiTullo, Design Director at Converse, sent me a quick note about Core77's new Show and Tell series that features his sketching techniques in a nice 4 easy minutes. Now you don't have to draw like this "Form Monster" (Heh-heh!), but have a
Domus Magazine has recently launched a signature edition offshoot called Domus d'Autore. This first issue, entrusted to Editor-Architect Rem Koolhaas, was designed to allow readers to listen "
Image source: Cab Ride (Ecstasy)
So what, you may ask, is "Mental Masturbation"?
Well the first logical assumption that comes to mind is procrastination. Actually, though, it's not quite what I would call procrastination. Let me explain.
A design lecturer friend coined
Image Source: Books by ijsendoorn.
As requested and suggested by a few loyal Design Sojourn readers, I have compiled what I think are the essential books that Industrial Designers should either own or read.
Now I have
I like to wish all fellow Industrial Designers or anyone in the Industrial Design profession a happy World Industrial Design Day!
Marked by Icsid's anniversary on June 29, World Industrial Design Day (WIDD) is a day to actively engage design professionals and design enthusiasts to explore
I often like to get myself into a spot of teaching, collaborating with and critiquing students. I find it enhances and consolidates what I have learned in my career in Design. I do recommend that designers, especially the senior ones, take some time
"An introduction to formgiving in Chinese product design" is a research article, written by Vigleik Norheim from the Department of Product Design from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. It gives some interesting insights on the cultural influences that impact the form-giving methodology
Image from Flickr
Sometimes there comes a design so simple and so clever that I just have to share it with all my readers!
Design Exchange of Toronto, which calls itself "Canada’s national centre for the promotion of design," claims that the Project G stereo, which Clairtone Sound Corporation produced, was "conceptually original, technically and functionally perfect, and aesthetically superior." It was "the
All images from HaiShang Design. (Click for a larger image)
It is about time someone designed one that has totally broken the traditional configuration of a Dump Truck! It is really
So csven and I were doing our usual "ping-pong" discussion on Twitter. This time we were talking about The Death of Industrial Design. Csven laments that there is a confusion on what an Industrial Designer does, as the world sees it as
Yesterday, at the height of the Singapore Fashion Festival, I was invited to view a wonderful fashion show that was unlike any other. Called Blueprint 2008 the show was a