
Zero to One: Find a Niche and Own it!

I really like Zero to One by Peter Thiel.  So much so, that I'm slowly reading it chapter by chapter to internalize the information. If you are interested in how game-changing strategies behind new products and services are conceptualized, this book is for you.  I particularly like his


Is Your Business Ready for Innovation?

Some of you might be familiar with the Diffusion of Innovation. It is a theory that seeks to explain how new ideas and technology spread and is typically used to explain consumers’ adoption of technology. Through our course of work, we’ve come to realise this


What is Design Worth? A Masterclass on Design’s Value

  Our partners Methodology.sg is running an awesome Masterclass workshop called: DESIGN LEADERSHIP: How to Identify and Communicate the Value of Design. Details as follows: Design as a Strategy is the next big thing. Enlightened companies such as Apple, Dyson and PepsiCo have bet on Design and won. But to


Business Design Toolkit

Our Design Led Innovation client consulting or facilitation sessions often involves a business diagnostic activity, that is split into something I fondly call: hard and soft diagnostics. A hard diagnostic, aptly called as it covers hard financial numbers,


Anthropology of Television

The following guest post is written by Maurice McGinley, a friend and former colleague at Philips Design. While some of the points might be a little outdated, this post showcases a methodology of Design Research and Design Led Innovation that is practiced in companies


Design Manifesto 2012

When Tim Brown said that ”design is getting big again”, he meant that Design is moving (or has moved, in my humble opinion) from a form giving exercise and into the boardroom where is have become


Are Mobile Phone Brands Really Copying iPhones?

In the last few months most of you would have read the endless press about Apple’s multiple lawsuits filed against their competitors claiming that they are stealing their intellectual property. Not only that, countless of


Chris Bangle on Design Leadership

Bradley Derry (at Fuel Your Product Design) ran a really nice interview with Chris Bangle on what makes a good design leader. It is really good to hear from Chris, a friend of Design Sojourn, who has been somewhat quiet of late. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/24080982?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="520"


The Relationship between Design and Marketing

I have always maintained that Design and Marketing go hand in hand. Any designer looking to become more business savvy can get quite far if he or she starts with some marketing knowledge. Mike Funk writes:

Marketing is a framework for the organized delivery


We should Ban the Word Innovation

Scott Berkun, author of "The Myths of Innovation", shares on the Economist why we should all ban the word innovation. He writes:

Einstein, Ford, Picasso and Edison rarely said the word innovation and neither should you. Every Fortune 500 crowd I've said this to


Strategy's Golden Rule

Umair Haque, Director of the Havas Media Lab, writes:

What your fiercest rival does badly, do incredibly well.
It makes so perfect sense, that it is painful when people don't seem to follow it. Anyone who is serious about winning starts of by looking at how