Go Ahead, Design the New Business
Oh how did I miss this? The Design the New Business documentary, aired first in Asia at the recent Design Film Festival 2011, is now available online and shamelessly embedded here.
Oh how did I miss this? The Design the New Business documentary, aired first in Asia at the recent Design Film Festival 2011, is now available online and shamelessly embedded here.
It's funny. As a kid I loved riding bikes. What I loved even more was tinkering with them. I had this classic Chopper (you know, with that smaller front wheel?) that I hacked
As the wave of SOPA and PIPA protests die down, it’s time to take stock of the implications such legislatures can have on the design community.
Please do take my thoughts with a pinch of
January is often abuzz with 3 things: New Year resolutions, trends and forecasts for the year, and CES. I'll leave CES to the CES PR engines, because as designers, if you just focus on CES you will be a year too late. So if you want
James Higgs writes an interesting article about the inconsistencies of Apple's aesthetic. In one corner you have Apple's sublime and minimal industrial design where every corner or radii has been considered.
These devices have become increasingly simple and pared down, even as the power contained
One of the challenges of implementing Design Thinking is that Design Thinking can come across as a rather intellectual and academic exercise. Strange terminologies, divergent activities, new processes etc; who can blame them for thinking
I was actually quite surprised to find myself deep undercover in Design Thinking activities in the last 12 months. The great thing was that these activities were varied, spanning from running Design Thinking workshops, developing
Image: October 2011, by Tess Sammarco
How time flies? It has already been just over a year since I left my cushy (well not that cushy) corporate job
Harry Marks writes a very insightful piece on what Apple has done or will do for the computing industry in a Lion, iOS 5 and iCloud environment.
To some, it means Apple has locking you in to its “walled garden”. To others, the company is giving
Derek Sivers, whom I have had the pleasure to meet recently, shares in a short TED snippet advice on
Registration Closes on the 23rd September 2011. Do hurry as spaces are filling up!
It's official. With the backing of the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i), which focuses on improving skills, productivity and the
It's not easy describing the value of design. Even looking to describe the value of design being optimistic. I often get by by reducing the discussion to 2 scenarios; what happens when design is used and when design is not. So it did
In the last few months most of you would have read the endless press about Apple’s multiple lawsuits filed against their competitors claiming that they are stealing their intellectual property. Not only that, countless of
One of the most important and significant things that I have learnt in the last few years working with businesses is that people don’t buy your products just because they look good. People buy your products because it benefits them; or it has something
The UK Design Council has produced a nice little video interview with the likes of IDEO's Paul Bennett and Professor Roberto Verganti (of Design Driven Innovation fame) sharing their thoughts on what is design and what design can do for businesses. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/12819375?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff" width="521" height="293"
One of the problems of Design Thinking is that it has inherited some of the bad habits of the Business mindset. In particular the need for repeatability and for research data to help justify any design decision the organization makes. Frog Design's Ben McAllister
What a nice way to look at design constraints. The best designers like VW's head of design Klaus Bischoff (whom I have quoted below), learn to work with constraints and even excel with them.
It is commonly known that Apple does not use user-centered research to help the Business determine what they should create or do next. They go one better. They build "playing fields" wide enough for people to do as they please.
Apple has recognized what
Click for a bigger image.
This has to be my favorite moment of Steve Jobs' recent iPad 2 keynote at Apple's special event on the 2nd of March 2011. I