
Singapore Roundtable Workshop: Innovative Finance for Nature

Project Scope

In partnership with reShift and Design Thinkers Group USA, Design Sojourn co-facilitated sustainability development workshops commissioned by USAID and DAI. 

The goal of the Innovative Finance for Nature workshop is to advance climate and conservation action and address the funding gap in finance to support nature-based solutions (NBS). The participants of the roundtable first discussed challenges in the sustainable finance sector, and then brainstormed finance solutions to conserve and restore ecosystems in Asia.

The 2-day co-creation workshop was held in Singapore and invited experts from sustainability finance, venture capital, and local innovators to collaborate.  Participants included Deutsche Bank, Palladium, South Pole, Gen-Zero, ADM Capital, AVPN, and representatives from the United Nations and US Department of State. 

Concluding Workshop Day 1 after 3 lightning rounds of show-and-tell on nature based solutions and financing models.

workshop agenda

The workshop started off with an ice-breaker that led to sharing and level settings from the organising agencies. Following the presentations, participants engaged in a World-Cafe-style whiteboard session where they shared ideas about their organisation’s financial models and how they deliver nature-based financing solutions. The participants were then split into groups, and over three rounds, moved to the different whiteboards to discover and learn about what everyone else was doing.

On the second day, the participants started with a brainstorming session with the best ideas moved to a discussion canvas.  The discussion canvas helped the participants focus on both the user needs and the technical feasibility required to make these sustainable finance ideas happen. The discussion canvas identified “Market Needs”, “Available Solutions” and “The Expected Role of the Agencies”. 


Workshop Day 2:  Participants dive into the details on how innovative financing can happen. 

WORKSHOP Conclusions

At the end of the workshop, there was a networking session where participants met up with members from the different agencies to further explore opportunities.  Action cards were also created by participants to highlight what they will do after this workshop.

Status: May 2023
Competence: Design Thinking Consulting, Business Model Innovation, Service Design

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