
Stuffing myself with Wine, Turkey and Ham!

I like to wish all readers a Merry Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Edit: I am also taking the opportunity during this quiet holiday season to redesign and update my website. This initiative came about due to a few strategic decisions I have


It is Design Sojourn's 3rd Birthday!

Image: Happy 3rd Birthday by Laura-Beth Wow I almost missed it yet again! Yesterday, November 09, was Design Sojourn's 3rd birthday. It has been 3 great years of blogging and to mark this event it I have been thinking about what I should do to celebrate


Invent Singapore Conference 2008

Today I presented "What is Design?" at the Invent Singapore Conference 2008, Design for Life workshop. I had a really great time as we had a really friendly audience that asked great questions. As promised to my audience, I have uploaded my


Conducting Workshop at Invent Singapore 2008

I have been invited to conduct a Workshop called "Design for Life" at the Invent Singapore Conference 2008 this Saturday 16 Aug 2008 at 2pm and also at 4pm. Invent Singapore is a convention like no other, where innovators, inventors and the business community come together


Taking a Bow

Image Source: Showing Respect. With a sigh, I turn the lights and radio off, and shut my office door for the last time. After almost 5 1/2 years and 5 international design awards later, I have decided to resign from my position as


Happy World Industrial Design Day!

I like to wish all fellow Industrial Designers or anyone in the Industrial Design profession a happy World Industrial Design Day!

Marked by Icsid's anniversary on June 29, World Industrial Design Day (WIDD) is a day to actively engage design professionals and design enthusiasts to explore


Want to have your say?

Unlike other design blogs out there that only focus on pretty pictures, Design Sojourn gets into the nitty gritty of design by basing our discussions on "How to do good design, Make clever products and Master the business of Design." Weekly, my partner and I look


Blogging slow down…

I'm sure you avid readers have noticed a slowdown in blogging the whole of last week, and very likely this week as well. This is because I am actively involved in my usual yearly National Service commitments with the Army. While I am


Happy 2008!

Image Source: Pinoy Sydneysider Happy New Year EVERYONE! In the spirit of the New Year I like to reflect back at some of Design Sojourn's more significant events, and then take some time to explore our road forward with this blog's New Year's


Google reminds me why I blog

EDIT: As of 30 Nov 2007, I've noticed my page rank has gone back up to 5! So looks like Google re-inclusion works. We are back in business and traffic has never been better! There has been a lot of crazy things happening in