On the Horizion…
It's been a really tiring last couple of weeks for me and hence a real slow down in my blog posts. As one of my post alluded too, the fourth quarter is a mad rush to finalise product launches and garner new business for
It's been a really tiring last couple of weeks for me and hence a real slow down in my blog posts. As one of my post alluded too, the fourth quarter is a mad rush to finalise product launches and garner new business for
A while back I started this non-profit social-entrepreneurship endeavour called IDAsia.org as a means to network, uncover and perhaps showcase Industrial Designers from Asia.
As a result of these efforts, my team of volunteers (py, ec, kk and <a
Sorry for the slowdown in posts last week as I had to make a last minute trip back to Singapore to attend to a family emergency. I just got back and am now catching up on work. However not to worry and do
Some breaking news on the new Design Sojourn Tumble Blog at http://designsojourn.net as well as DT has decided to let down the facade, and let readers get a gist of who he really is in real life.
DT's adventures of moving Design Sojourn to its new home at Media Temple.
What if? What would happen if every blog published posts on the same issue, on the same day? For that one day, we could change the global conversation, raise awareness and act together to create a better world. I was humbly invited by Collis, one of the brains
I think that's about all I can manage to write. Do check out my new archives and categories on the right, for great stuff to tie you over until I can think again
Something I love to do is receive emails suggestions or get feedback from all my readers on how I can better tailor your experience when you visit Design Sojourn. However what I have not done is actually turn it into a formal exercise to
I like to inform and apologise to all readers for the down time of Design Sojourn yesterday and today. This is due to 2 hard drive crashes on the server that is hosting this site. Sorry for any inconvenience caused if we missed
Fitting that this should go to long time reader and fellow designer Drew Kora, for his comment left on this post. Wow time really flies when you are having fun! Thanks Drew for all the great feedback and please keep do keep in
Launched more than a year ago, the Nakamichi Lumos portable DVD, designed together with Tithima S. and E Chin, for Nakamichi, has been featured in the latest UK version of the T3 Gadget Magazine. (August 2007, Page 18). Very nice. The design was
I'm currently back in Singapore on home leave and catching up with family and friends. So many apologies, as there will be a short blogging break till next week when I get back to Sydney. As always, if you need a design fix
Very clever designer and advertising creative director Marc Rapp (yes the meaning after you join your name did cross my mind!), has tagged me with this wonderful meme. I see it as a great way to get to know each other much better.
edit: All right people everything has been upgraded, tweaked and transferred. So far the sites all looks like they are running fine. So lets get back to regular programming at Design Sojourn! Sorry for the slow down in posting in the last couple of
Always ever eager to improve your "surfing experience" here at Design Sojourn, I have been tweaking around with the coding of my website. It's not final but I'm experimenting on different "ingredients" to see if it works for you and me. 1) I've decided to
I've always linked the idea of linking blogs up, but perhaps more on an altruistic level. I see linking as all about making friends and letting the world know about it. Thus I absolutely abhor blogs and blog owners whom would not give
I must apologize, dear readers, for the lack of posts recently as I faced the harsh realities of blogging. I really don’t know how people do it. That is, they run and maintain multiple websites or blogs as well as their own day-to-day lives. Just
The Phoenix Electrostatic Speaker, designed and developed by my team and I, has been featured on Wired Magazine. Sniff
Since I moved to Sydney, I have experienced a state of mind that most designers who become freelancers or decide to go at it on their own as an entrepreneur would. This state of mind is the loss of interaction with other designers.
Phew! I’m almost done with my spring cleaning, and believe you me it does not look like much, but it’s a lot of stuff. Here is what I did