
100 Push ups : Week 3, 4 and 5!

Wow! That was quick, according to the program, I should be now into my 6th and final week. The last week before the big 100 push-ups attempt!
The reps in week 3 and 4 were getting really tough. I was having a lot of trouble getting through all the sets. My breaks in between sets were longer than the stipulated timing and workout sessions were getting long. However things looked up after my exhaustion test between week 4 and 5. I hit 50 push-ups before I gave up. That was 20 more than my last test of 30. So I was really happy as it meant I was getting stronger. Not only that, I have found my chest feels broader, shoulders more defined and arms firmer, especially in the triceps area. Nice!
Last week, (Week 5) was also tough, especially for Monday where each set were an average of 30 push-ups! Fortunately the sets for Wed and Friday were smaller sets (20 or less reps) with shorter rest periods in between. I found I did better with a sequence of smaller reps and shorter rest periods.
Strange thing, I was finding that I was getting very short of breath. I often had to stop and actually take deep gulps of air. I discovered that I was holding my breath in between sets, crazy I know! This was probably why I do better with smaller reps. I think I need to get my breathing method right if I am going to go the full stretch and try to hit that elusive 100 push ups.
Was it exhale down, or exhale pushing up? Need to figure that out!
On Saturday I woke up with an aching my left and I realized I must have strained it. It feels like Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and I think it was due to my slippery sweaty palms sliding on the floor during my last set on Friday. In the name of recovery, I’ve decided to rest out this week, and perhaps do the next exhaustion test this Wednesday.
Thats it for me, how are you guys doing?

  • DT

    October 27, 2008 at 9:48 pm Reply

    @Olls: Thanks for the advice. 1 Week later my writs is stil aching. I was afraid of this, my pencil thin wrists don’t help at all!
    @CopperWire: I was meaning to do those pictures, but forgot, and well I would be too shy to show it! LOL!

  • Copper Wire

    October 23, 2008 at 3:02 am Reply

    I just started doing office work myself, so this looks like a cool project. I’m gonna try to get started on it myself. Oh, and you should post some before and after pictures!

  • Eugene

    October 22, 2008 at 1:32 am Reply

    I am seaching for some idea to write in my blog… somehow come to your blog. best of luck. Eugene

  • olls

    October 21, 2008 at 5:31 pm Reply

    Firstly, I think its exhale when you lower yourself down.
    Secondly, you need to get a sticky mat on which you can do your pushups! the nike yoga mats are pretty good. 25 bucks at mustafa!

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