
5 minutes with Bruce Nussbaum on The Evolution of Design Thinking

Edit: Due to a server hack and the subsequent WordPress re-installation, we lost a number of files including this podcast. We are as annoyed as you are, and apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Our next little chat is with Bruce Nussbaum, former editor at Business Week, advocate of Design Thinking, and provocateur of both designers and businesses. I was curious to find out if he felt that design thinking had evolved in the 2 years since he started blogging (or talking) about it. Here’s the chat:


I have to say, Bruce in person is completely different from his serious online persona. I really enjoyed our discussions on social media, embracing change, design ROI, and getting that damn free Wi-Fi to work!
Bruce was invited to the Icsid09 congress to interview the guest of honor: Singapore’s Minister of Finance Tharman Shanmugaratnam. It was a fantastic interview, and testament that design thinking can also be applied in a political context and in policy making. I do no justice repeating it here and encourage you to check out Bruce’s transcript of the interview at his Business Week design blog.
For more information on the Icsid Design Congress 2009 check out the official website.

1 Comment
  • Daniel Christadoss

    November 24, 2009 at 7:56 pm Reply

    Enjoyed your interview with Bruce as well as the interesting observations and comments by you and Bruce. My journey into the design thinking world started when I presented myself with an Ipod Nano in August this year.The tipping point was reading “10 Faces of Innovation” by IDEO’s Tom Kelley. One thing led to another and I got to read about the likes of Tim Brwn, Bruce Nussbaum, Bruce Mau, Cameron Sinclair and other visionaries.
    My background is Mechanical Engineering but over the years I have been involved in other branches of engineering, design, project management and process improvement. The more I read about Design Thinking the more I was convinced that a lot of us practice Design Thinking without even realizing it.
    Design Thinking is not only for designers but for all those who strive to make it a more interesting world and a more interesting journey through life. Some of my thoughts and inspiration from Design Thinking is given in a work in progress at
    Keep up the great work you are doing in keeping us informed at Singapore and beyond

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