Award Winning Dump Truck of the Future!
All images from HaiShang Design. (Click for a larger image)
It is about time someone designed one that has totally broken the traditional configuration of a Dump Truck! It is really impressive how this designer re-thought how one would operate, and then used that insight to designed a break-through product. Absolutely amazing concept, and sure sign of the amazing pedigree of Chinese designers to come.
Munich-based truck maker F.X. Meiller GmbH & Co KG has seen the future of construction hauling, and it is a sleek all-wheel drive tipper capable of dumping on all four directions.
Chinese transportation designer Haishan Deng created a series of concept drawings depicting what Meiller’s new “super tipper” truck in action that won him a 2007 red dot award for product design from Germany’s Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen, an institution formed in 1955 to promote industrial design aesthetics. Inspired by the movement of quadruped animals, Deng designed the super tipper with independent suspension arms that absorb uneven terrain better than conventional dump trucks.
No word yet on when Meiller plans to build these tippers or how much they will cost, but Deng says the truck’s six engines and battery system will be the priciest parts. A scaled-down prototype is scheduled to be on display May 17-20 in New York at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair.
All images from HaiShang Design. (Click for a larger image)
All images from HaiShang Design. (Click for a larger image)
All images from HaiShang Design. (Click for a larger image)
All images from HaiShang Design. (Click for a larger image)
All images from HaiShang Design. (Click for a larger image)
All images from HaiShang Design. (Click for a larger image)
Via: Scientific American
September 24, 2015 at 4:02 amWhere is the engine?
Michael Walsh
August 11, 2015 at 7:10 pmThe dates for each of the contributions have the month and the date, but not the year!!
Some of these contributions are more than 5 years old but a casual reader would never know it.
Please alter the method for displaying dates so that the year the contribution was submitted is shown.
Thank you.
Stephen Babcock
April 15, 2012 at 12:24 amI like the diseign of the dump truck. I disagree with the the pictures of the front dumping, in the first front dumping pic if the is any such movement as the truck is dumping with the front 4 wheels and cab hanging over the edge like that, any movement of material being dumped that causes the truck to move and make the pile shift can send the whole truck off the edge of the tailings. I also disagree with the second front dump pic cause while the material that is coming out the dump bin can roll from the pile, get between the tires and also the moving material can cut the tires up which will rack up the cost that is being used to buy the new tires for the truck plus labor and time.
Also the hydraulics for the dump bin could be lowered so during the loading process the hydraulics aren’t being hit by the material that’s being loaded weather rocks to dirt.
Michael Walsh
April 20, 2011 at 1:02 pmI thought I should add a few comments, regarding the advantages of side-tipping, from my own experience as a mining engineer and the manager of a few open cut
mines. I will make my comments brief, because a full discussion of this subject would take several pages.
The ability of this truck to side-tip is claimed to be an advantage but it really is not.
The ideal way for a truck to dump is out-the-rear because a rear-dump truck can then drive directly away from the rockpile after dumping it’s load and thus eliminate the likelihood of sharp rocks cutting its tyres.
Rear-dumping is also quick, whilst side-tipping is slow. Typical side-tipping takes 4-5 minutes to discharge a 150 tonne load, whereas a rear-dump, 150-tonne truck can discharge its load in about 45 seconds-1 minute.
Side-tipping is only practiced where rear-dumping would be impossible. Such situations occur when 1) a truck has a number of trailers towed behind it and where rear-dumping would damage the trailer links, or 2) the dump area is, for
some reason, very narrow, such as in a town or city.
Although side-tipping is done in these situations it carries some serious disadvantages.
The most serious disadvantage to the truck is that after dumping its load, rocks tend to roll into the path of the rear wheels and when the truck drives off, its wheels either run over the rocks or graze against them. When that happens, the sidewalls of truck’s tyres tend to get cut badly by the sharp edges of the rocks. The problem of sharp rocks cutting the sidewalls of tyres is a very real problem, and it is very expensive in terms of the cost of repairing or replacing tyres.
In general, truck operators avoid side-tipping wherever possible. They only do it if they have to operate trucks that have a number of trailers towed along behind, (e.g., a +100-tonne road-train with a prime-mover and a few trailers.)
It must also be recognised that a truck that can side-tip has nearly four times the number of hinges and other moving parts as a rear-dump truck. These hinges, and the lubrication systems required to keep them all operating smoothly, are
very expensive to build and maintain.
For a single-chassis truck with no trailers, such as the subject of this article, the ability to side-tip is not an advantage, but actually a serious economic liability. Even though the ability to side-tip looks novel, it is simply not required in a single-chassis truck.
From a engineering and cost-control point of view, whilst conventional truck tipping looks “old and boring”, it results in a truck that is simple to build, simple and cheap to maintain, and works very effectively.
Do not forget that a truck like this “novel” one would be very expensive to build and maintain, and all of these extra costs have to be passed on to the final customer who buys the products that the mine, or quarry, produces.
As an engineer and a mine-manager, who is responsible for buying and maintaining trucks, and moving rock quickly, cheaply and effectively, this novel new truck looks to me like a nightmare of extra costs and maintenance problems.
My deepest apologies to the designer.
Ian Briggs
April 20, 2011 at 4:42 amIt looks a little like the moon buggy that NASA built for a lunar landing that was subsequently shelved
December 16, 2010 at 6:33 pmThe battery usage seems to be critical for it to re-charge itself.Battery cannot be a source in various changing locations and climatic conditions.
November 3, 2010 at 10:26 pmWow, this really does look like something out of the future. Much better looking than the old JCB dump trucks you see on sites now.
Tony Lease
September 18, 2010 at 7:05 amI was lucky enough to see the prototype in NYC a couple of years ago, but I havent heard much about it since. I also am aware that JCB have some similar kind of designs built at their headquarters in Staffordshire, so the future of this kind of vehicle could be with us soon enough.
Michael Walsh
November 19, 2009 at 3:26 pmWhen I, (a mining engineer for 35 years) look at the pictures of the model truck dumping its load, I see that it does not lift its “tub” up nearly as steeply as a real dump truck in a real mine needs to lift its tub to get the dirt out quickly and easily.
From the pictures that I can see of this “model” it won’t be able to discharge it’s load effectively.
The second major problem with this concept is the location of the hinges and the hydraulic rams on top of the truck. They are in a very vulnerable position and in a hard rock mine they will get hit by rocks being dumped onto them. These big cylinders aren’t cheap, and every time a big rock hits one it will cost about $45,000 to fix just for parts, let alone the cost of labour and downtime.
In real dump trucks, used in hard-rock mines, the dump cylinders are under the tub, and well-protected, for a very good reason!!
April 26, 2009 at 8:39 amI would imagine the cabin would lower to the ground for entry / exit, the arm it is connected to could be retractable and allow the setup to tilt and place it firmly on the ground, this also makes it a very safe form of entrance and exit!…
Great design, I think it could even work as a hybrid where the unit recycles its parasitic loss and transforms it into power for the engines within the wheels!.
I wonder if the cells could be located within the frame work of the tipper?…
I hope this one comes to fruitition, it is an excellent idea
January 30, 2009 at 4:35 amThis is a great find and just had to find more information tied the site but there is little information about the super tipper truck on their site. There is a site that gives a bit more information about the design http://www. apparently there will be an electric motor in each wheel and the truck can load some materials like sand without the need for assistance.
September 29, 2008 at 4:26 amil est beau vote beaujau je laime
August 19, 2008 at 6:29 pmA very innovative design that appears to closely resemble a ‘transformer’. It looks like the operators cab tips forward as the rear lifts to dump – is that so?
May 25, 2008 at 4:37 amYes, it definitely is a mystery how the driver will get in and out of the truck. And you will get power problems if you want this monster to run on batteries.
>> Niels last wrote: Ripple faucet – visualization of water temperature
Jim Rait
May 24, 2008 at 4:08 amI remember Spam fritters.. if my mum wasn’t looking mine used to end up in garbage .. and we thought computers were in research centres then!
>> Jim Rait last wrote: Underarm balling
May 16, 2008 at 11:44 amHey Jim,
Sorry about that, i had to fish your comments out of the Spam list.
May 11, 2008 at 2:47 amMotors are probably in the wheels. That’s been around at least since the 80’s (I did my skateboard concept vehicle back in school using the same idea based on tech articles covering Toyota’s motorized wheels). But given the anticipated power requirements, battery storage would definitely seem to be an issue. I don’t see any obvious place for the cells.
Jim Rait
May 11, 2008 at 2:38 amMy comment disappeared … this is it again! William Gibson said “The future is already here. It’s just unevenly distributed.” This manufacturer uses design in a similar way….. for their Topturn X:
Jim Rait last wrote: Could iPod have helped the Jennifers?
May 9, 2008 at 4:47 pmHi csven,
I’m interested as well. My questions would be where the engine and batteries would be (I supposed in the wheels?)and how would the driver get in and out?
May 8, 2008 at 10:20 pmCaught this myself. Interesting solution. Reminded me of some garbage truck concepts that were part of some competition way back when.
Do you know if there is any associated mechanical engineering work? Curious about the pivots and how the wheels turn.