
Can Printers be more Social? You can with the ARC

ARC Social Printer by Rene Lee 1
Click the Image for a bigger view!

A friend of Design Sojourn, and soon to be graduate designer, Rene Lee has designed a cool concept printer that makes sense. His concept solves the problem of sifting through piles of printed documents to look for yours. Especially troublesome in a busy design office where everyone seems to be printing multiple pages of presentations or drawings for checking.
Rene’s solution, The ARC, is what he calls a social printer. However, I think the real gem behind the idea is the ability to sort the printouts in a clean and efficient manner. The added benefit of users enjoying the document pickup process is a bonus. This design brings a whole new dimension to the term “water cooler talk”.
ARC Social Printer by Rene Lee 2
ARC Social Printer by Rene Lee 3
ARC Social Printer by Rene Lee 4
ARC Social Printer by Rene Lee 5
ARC Social Printer by Rene Lee 6
I am also impressed with how the work has been presented in a narrative manner. This makes his presentation simple and easy to read. I’ll also give him extra points for articulating the idea behind the concept clearly. Do check out the rest of Rene’s interesting portfolio, and congrats to him for winning the IF Concept Award for this design.

1 Comment
  • Parker Robinson

    September 4, 2010 at 11:43 pm Reply

    Wow, this is truly a work of brilliance !
    Anyone who works in an office with an active shared printer can easily appreciate the benefit.
    Cover sheets could be designed in the printer to print the name identifier on the longitudinal edge. Perhaps rotated …

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