Discussion: What defines a professional designer?
@designsojourn Hi designsojourn, I wanted to discuss; What defines a “professional” designer? How would you define one?
Sorry friends I had almost forgot this week’s discussion post until Duane Harrison triggered me with a question on twitter. I had little time for blogging this week as I have been pushing to close a lot of issues before a business trip to Hong Kong next week.
So what defines a “professional” designer? Join the conversation here and on twitter!
Here is my reply to get the ball rolling.
@duaneharrison Pro Designer = Trained, Proven track record, and a passion for design and continuous improvement. Thanks for asking.
And some other replies from friends of Design Sojourn:
@designsojourn Does your design feed, clothe, and entertain yourself and maybe even your family? That’s professional.
@designsojourn Do you do excellent design even when you don’t feel like it, because so much depends on it? That’s professional.
@designsojourn this is what I’m talking about! Great stuff my man
@designsojourn anyone can design (only a matter of how good), but a professional designer is someone who is sought after.
August 17, 2010 at 10:53 pmi like.