Let's talk about Design Strategy and Sustainable Behaviors
Mario Vellandi author behind the very excellent Melodies in Marketing, spent the last couple of weeks conducting a hard hitting interview on my views on the future of industrial design, design strategy and sustainable design. It was a great discussion with very high level content and interesting ideas exchanged between Mario and I. As I am committed to being part of Blog Action Day (which is today!), I thought it would be great timing to post this interview as part of Design Sojourn’s commitment to green design. This interview is also jointly posted an his site.
On with the Interview!
MV: To build some greater perspectives on product design in the modern age, I’ve invited DT of Design Sojourn to a little chat about the subject. DT helps build objectives, strategies and development plans for consumer electronics firms across Asia. He’s been a pioneer in promoting the field of Industrial Design, in many more regards than simply admiring fanciful oeuvres d’art et leurs aspects fonctionnels (French for art and functional objects). He reaches out to students and other professionals alike in sharing theory, trends, and best practices in the workplace and beyond, while celebrating the contributions of others to the field.
DT, thanks for stopping by and leaving some feedback on my post New Product Design Strategy. I feel that I’ve barely scratched the surface on this field, as most of what I’ve come to learn has been from my own experiences with CPG manufacturers, some friends, and my PDMA Handbook . What other kinds of strategies or considerations should marketers and product developers be making these days?
DT: Thanks for the wonderful introduction. I have to say you have nailed it at first go. With regards to your list of strategies, they are pretty much all there. But from my point of view I would consider them as tactical implementations instead.
These days marketing and product development and perhaps corporate people have to understand that Strategic product development takes a 360 degree holistic view and outlook. Also to me strategic product development is multi-disciplinary and success means satisfying all requirements of stake holders.
Under the current work environments, stories such as where marketing communications come up with great Ad campaigns but some how the products fall short on the brand promise, or Research and Development creates an amazing technology, but some how sales don’t seem to understand it, are very common.
Strategic product development prevents this. In many ways Industrial Designers are uniquely positioned to bridge this gap, as they have a multi-disciplinary approach to problem solving that is based on a strong background in research drawing inspiration from many sources.
MV: Interesting. It appears to me that the situation you’re pointing out is that there’s a disconnect between product development and the marketing function, arising in the form of communication. In theory, a firm is supposed to carry and update the product definition from its beginnings in concept development, through the product development phase, and into the launch phase where it is then slightly tuned for the target markets. Traditionally, the responsibility for this communication lays in the hands of project leaders, core product development leaders, and launch leaders.
But what happens leadership is weak or non-existent? This seems to be a common risk these days, with global distributed product development and outsourcing being as common as it is. What I believe you’re hinting at, is that communication is an inherent part of all design strategy. Not just for project management purposes, but for the eventual market success of the product as well. This means that marketing and product development have a responsibility to collaboratively spell out the product’s features, attributes, benefits, value proposition, and positioning. I think it’s irresponsible to expect marketing (especially outsourced agencies), to make all this up on their own.
Do you see the current climate of outsourced product development necessitating even stronger communication bridges with marketing and stakeholders? What do you think?
DT: It’s not so much about just fixing a disconnect or making communication better, its actually more about a strategic management of the product development process.
You could say that project management manages and forms a node point between say R&D and marketing thus facilitating good communication. In fact that is still a major requirement in making successful products. However in my view this is still a line function. Project managers are often so caught up in the daily grind such as, tracking schedules, negotiating contracts, ensuring deliverables, that I often find that they don’t have a chance to ask if all this madness is right in the first place.
Therefore as a result of this designers recently have been finding a niche, especially in large organisations. Their strategy visualisation skills are vital in ensuring if the organisation is travelling in the right direction in the first place. Furthermore the designers ability to move between disciplines or departments and empathising with them, means this new thought in strategic product development assumes that the designer is not a function of any other department (ie R&D or Marketing) but a function of management. As a result if you notice many successful companies today, such as Apple, P&G or IBM, have very senior design managers working closely with the CEO or the board of directors.
Not only that, if we zoom out from our discussion here, this is really all about innovation and getting ahead right? So if a designer’s strategy visualisation has to have any weight, it must come as a directive from the top. It is, ironically, pretty regimental if you look at it, but innovative thought, solutions and strategy puts people out of their comfort zone and if the “order” does not come from the top, personal motivations tend to get into the way of the best interests of a company.
This also leads me to you next point, outsourcing. It is inevitable, companies need to out source to stay alive. But the down side means development gets more fragmented and as a result the strategy stake holder is absolutely vital in ensuring that the end product meets all the expectations set out.
MV: I like your description of design leadership transcending the traditional organizational departments and becoming a part of upper management, should a company allow such integration. Although it might seem idealistic to imagine industrial designers reaching across different parts of the company to develop creative solutions where there are problems, I believe their greatest contribution to the firm lies with developing the company’s product innovation strategy and managing the product portfolio. This is an elevated position that will span disciplines in marketing, finance, r&d, and supply chain management, for which specialized masters education programs will be necessary.
Regarding outsourced product development, I see and share your concern. Traditionally, almost every part of a business can be outsourced these days. But in modern business theory, when marketing and innovation are outsourced, there lies a very large potential risk of losing company identity, a spiritual sense of ownership, direction, and control. Companies that maintain a long-term vision must keep this in mind, and thus exercise due care when working with third parties. As external activities become more important to the firm as critical competencies, the level of partner relationships must deepen and in-house talent has to be developed as appropriate to the circumstances. All I’m advocating is that to be true to yourself as a company, you are responsible for your own vision and direction. Partners can help you build upon that.
Before I begin my next question, what are your thoughts on this?
DT: I actually disagree with you to a certain extent, but you are correct to say that the characteristics of such very senior designers require many years of training and exposure to many parts of the organization. A good MBA, though not required, could help as well. Thus such designers with such abilities are rare indeed.
You are also correct to say that designers have the greatest contribution to innovation strategy and product portfolio, but that is what we traditionally think are the roles of designers. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying designers should take over or lead the functions of marketing or R&D etc., instead far from that. If you would like, the role of strategic designers are in a form of facilitators that make recommendations based on the empathy of the requirements of the rest of the team. Strategic designers work with the departments to find solutions in perhaps a role of a in-house consultant. Another way is to look at them are as “cooks”.
With regard to outsourcing, as you mentioned you can outsource everything including your own life. But these days companies are starting to get smart with this and realize you cant out source everything. So its only on one level that we need to talk about strong partnerships, but the smart companies are identifying their strategic competitive advantage and are choosing to keep it in house rather than out sourcing. Take for example HP they don’t outsource their printer component design.
MV: After looking over the classic design strategies previously covered, I noticed I hadn’t included Sustainability (which I’ll have to go back and fix). Some folks and organizations think of sustainability as a side consideration. However, I believe it is an essential strategy that should be included in the mix. Apart from ecological advantages in manufacturing, product usage, and disposal, there are also potential cost, quality, and performance advantages among others.
From some friends’ experiences in marketing communications and from articles on this subject, I see a larger emphasis on designers becoming well acquainted with eco-friendly inks, paper, and other supplies so that they can provide more leadership and direction to co-workers and management who aren’t as well informed.
How do you see product designers’ roles and activities when considering sustainable design? Could you share some unique perspectives from the consumer electronics industry?
DT: In fact sustainability has had its up and downs. It used to be a time where to be environmentally friendly you had to suffer with poor design or inferior products. Not any more. I would go almost as far to say that sustainability should be a given these days. Governmental requirements have help facilitate this as well. Products these days need to have lead free components, energy saving circuitry, a product end of cycle return strategy (ie used printer cartridges) as well as benefits if the product uses recyclable materials. Some companies do this better than others, but nevertheless this is all going in the background under the radar of most consumers.
However there in lies a bigger problem. Consumption. What is a point of making a product fully recyclable when people continue to buy? Case in point Apple iPods and mobile phones who’s life cycle is a notorious 6 months? The problem here is the energy and effort to recycle these products back into usable material far outweighs the environmental impact of virgin materials.
Therefore Sustainability 2.0 is not so much about recycling but more about creating “sustainable behaviours”. Getting mankind to be aware and control their consumption. Removing consumption demand also helps reduce planned product obsolescences. Of cause industrial designers and marketers here can have a huge role in interfacing humans with products and solutions, this is because changing a behaviour is a difficult thing to do.
MV: Interesting…from the way you put it and as I see it, promoting sustainable consumption patterns appears to be the next avenue of responsible creation and living. Traditionally, extending the usable life of a product implied they were better designed for long-term performance. This created loyalty and admiration in users, allowing for higher price acceptance. But the nature of these products was that their lifecycle was fairly long (let’s say 5+ years), and the rate of innovation in the product category was fairly low (in terms of functional utility in the eyes of consumers).
With highly innovative products in competitive markets, this is not the case as you pointed out. I’m concerned myself about the amount of e-waste purchased, consumed, and discarded…especially in regards to cell phones. Ultimately, it’s a sociological understanding of the long-term implications of rapid consumption that will need to be addressed. But when speaking to a colleague about this subject, we debated whether this pure ethical awareness approach is feasible. He proposed, and I agreed with, that ultimately there is always a business solution to end-of-lifecycle management. The challenge is setting up either reverse-logistics programs from manufacturers that promote this thinking, or establishing provincial/community programs.
In all, I see it as a systems-design approach that combines social awareness of responsible consumption patterns with processes to better handle end-of-life scenarios. It’s a big jumble that involves many differing factors. But I think commerce and people’s behavior will not change on their own, unless society (and unfortunately but necessarily government) generate effective awareness of the problems we face and demand change.
[Note as final question and response to summarize conversation]
What do you think about this?
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our conversation about design strategy and sustainability in product development. Do you have any predictions or desires on what may lie ahead of us in the future regarding education, materials innovation, or other important topics?
DT: I believe that well designed products with long life cycles still have a role to play with encouraging sustainable behaviours. This is also applicable in high technology products as well. It is a misnomer actually and because of many safety requirements high technology products actually can last a long time. It is the software and components that keep making a product out dated, and as we now move into product experience and the intangiable aspects of software, this cycle will only get worst. The psychology of this touches on whole “keeping up with the Jones”, the haves and have not, and the constant need to be ahead of the rest and own something new. Again this is a behaviour thing and (no offence) owes much to do with very successful advertising and branding campaigns generating consumer desire. In other words, years of advertising encouraging consumer wants not needs.
Refocusing back on product design, I don’t think that that creating a business case for an end of life cycle management solution is the only answer. This to me is a discussion on prevention rather than cure and which side you want to be on. In many ways our efforts in recycling, recyclable materials, ROHS compliance, and EOL management etc. is a reaction to a problem, a cure if you would like. Therefore in this case the solution should be about nipping the issue in the bud.
I agree with you, it is not easy, and most of effort should really about education and educating the public. Its about managing consumption, changing behaviours and awareness. There are many opportunities where designers can come in to make the behaviour change easier, but much of it has nothing to do with making better or different consumer products. For example can you design an iPod that people wont want to change in 6 months? You might, but Apple wont do it because their business relies on this 6 month product life cycle. Then with education you then teach people to ask if you really need to upgrade your iPod every six months or better still do you even need an iPod in the first place? I don’t I just listen to the radio which is essentially a iPod with 2,000+ songs.
At the end of the day, as long as corporations rule, we don’t have much of a choice but to take bitter medicine at the end of the day. As it is even planned obsolescence is a big problem we face as designers and a reason why I made a decision a long time ago to avoid working in fast pace consumer electronics industry as much as possible.
But we can take heart as much of our efforts in teaching is working on the new generation and we are taking a step in the right direction. Systems design and management can be a key contributor in this discussion here. But if we don’t step by a look at the bigger picture, and as long as we don’t teach about adopting sustainable behaviours we will continue to fight a losing battle.
Going forward we are on a cusp of a new revolution and that is personal fabrication or fabbing. The time for Desktop Manufacturing will be is just around the corner in the next few years. I believe combined with the sustainability issue, this will force everyone involved the product development cycle to re-think what it means to make a product, especially when your customers can make exactly what they want. It is scary but I am really looking forward to it.
Thanks for this discussion, I totally enjoyed it and hope we can keep in-touch and perhaps in future collaborate.
What did you think of the interview?
I hope you enjoyed reading this interview as much as I did writing it. I love to hear what you thought about some of my points as well as if you like to see more interviews with other designers here at Design Sojourn?
August 9, 2008 at 9:48 amHi Wendren,
It is my pleasure, thanks for commenting and please keep in touch.
August 9, 2008 at 12:21 amGreat interview. Thank you for sharing it. I find it really interesting to observe the shift that is happening in design. It is no longer just about another product that is designed for consumption but rather that the product needs to make a positive difference. It is not for consumption but rather to meet needs and wants in a sustainable way. This is progress and I am proud to be a designer today where innovation and sustainability are most important.
October 19, 2007 at 1:05 pmDear All,
Sorry for the delay, I intentionally held back my comments as I was hoping for some great discussion and debate. And it is happening here!
@Kristina, thanks for your links I will be checking them out.
@csven, I think you are spot-on. I must admit I had trouble describing this central role, and the fact it can exist without stepping on other toes. I supposed to a certain level it was intuitive and not easy for me to externalize. Thank you again for contributing to this discussion.
@mario, once again thanks for setting up this email interview as it was a great platform for me to share my feelings on this issue. I will however jump in on this discussion on the “role” and add a few other of my thoughts.
Many companies such as Dell, P&G and Whirlpool etc. are finding it more and more advantages to have designers or designed trained individuals in very senior positions within the organizations. I am speaking at even the board room level, especially if the company is committed to design and innovation.
I think we need to be careful on using qualifications as a means to certify someone’s ability. I’m sure you have read that MBAs (et al) are becoming wholly inadequate in this new century, simply because its teaching is outdated. Blame the internet perhaps, but at rate the consumer market and business environment is evolving due to it, the education institutions struggle to keep up. Heck design as an industry is also evolving so fast that our own design educators cannot keep up. But I digress.
Evey business institution, including Stanford etc., are falling over themselves to set up creativity, innovation and design management relate courses as part of their curriculum. Why? Because in today’s ultra competitive world where everyone can run a business well, the difference is the “big idea”.
However the exciting point about this “frame of mind” is that, yes even though designers are suitable for it (due to their training) at this point in time, the ability to apply design methodology in problem solving and gaining empathy so that the right questions can be asked is open to everyone.
Mario Vellandi
October 18, 2007 at 8:48 amWhat wit! I’ll reply by the points,
Regarding idealism etc., I see a logical error I made that fueled a provocative assumption. I was replying to DT suggesting IDs reach out across company borders, with a clause that unfortunately didn’t connect fit with my statement on greatest contribution. My clause may have implied a personal presupposition on IDs charging creative outreach without objective, which would be mean to say. When I observe my statement though, I forgot that tactics like situational analyses build strategies which help define executional tactics, which in turn must be monitored for performance, to determine if execution or strategy are still (or ever were) appropriate, and if they need to be revised. Reaching out across the company lines is thus a tactic, and thus a necessary component of strategy or effective management.
Is ‘idealism’ a bad word? I think it is what it is, and can be used sarcastically or with conviction. With the latter, to seek out the ideal can be a noble cause, related to continuous improvement and total quality management.
Regarding the statement being indicative of a glass ceiling. I tried to frame the design strategy conversation within the context of NPD, hence my use of ‘greatest’ If I opened it up to other spheres then that’s my bad. Product innovation & technology strategy and portfolio management are an essential part of business management. Product IDs can contribute to this as a line member, CEO, or whatever their role. In that sense, why should there be a problem? Every individual has the potential to contribute or lead.
If IDs don’t feel content being involved with NPD, that’s fine. Ultimately they’re performing tactics that will influence the construction, execution, and performance monitoring of strategy anyway. It’s all part of an eco-system in the long run.
It’s difficult to move up anywhere without education or specialized training, be it in-house or external. Master’s programs can be a great form of external training be it an MID, MBA, MFA or other. But excellent in-house programs are much harder to find, it’s either available or not and the quality is variable based on each person’s individual needs and goals. Sometimes self-education programs are best because of relevancy, time, and money. Why shouldn’t then be an opportunity for people from a design background to rise to higher positions of direction? If one has the entrepreneurial spirit, go for it with an existing company or start your own and learn along the way. The important thing is that we all attack and contribute from points of strength.
October 17, 2007 at 10:12 amMario,
My response to your comment is not about whether industrial designers “should be constricted to a specific role“. You don’t actually make that “assertion” so I’m not responding directly to it. Rather, I’m responding to what I perceive as bias. I can too easily replace “Although it might seem idealistic to imagine…” with “Against one’s better judgment imagine…“.
Then continue with a potentially unspoken caveat between the lines, “however, because that’s just too unrealistic, I’ll qualify that by saying…“, before finishing the thought with a glass ceiling tile: “I believe their greatest contribution to the firm lies with…“.
In addition, I’ve found that the word “idealistic” is most often reserved for comments regarding designers, as if they are by nature under-educated, naive and ungrounded in (business) reality. Perhaps others have but I’ve never heard anyone suggest it’s “idealistic” to believe a marketer or other traditional business professional could reach out across a company and bring elements of their expertise to bear where it might be of use. No one in my experience has, for example, ever said “it’s idealistic to imagine marketers reaching across different parts of the company to develop customer-centric solutions where there are problems
Mario Vellandi
October 17, 2007 at 6:50 amHi Csven,
Thanks for the comment. Regarding your points, I don’t necessarily believe that product industrial designers should be constricted to a specific role. Since I’m a marketer and not an ID, it would be ridiculous to make that assertion. Everyone has their own unique strengths and background; every company’s culture is different. IDs can be involved in manufacturing process engineering, sourcing, customer/user research, ideation, and a host of other fields you can name….many of which can fall under Innovation & Technology Strategy, and Portfolio Management. Marketers are just as much a wild and diverse bunch. Many folks think it’s really just advertising and PR…and that’s a constriction in itself.
I think product marketers and IDs can share many similar roles in NPD. Ultimately, it’s about having a diverse and well-qualified team.
October 16, 2007 at 10:03 amGood exchange. I especially enjoyed “sustainable behaviors” bit (though I’d include the company itself in the target audience; why will or should be apparent in a moment).
I did find one comment telling:
“Although it might seem idealistic to imagine industrial designers reaching across different parts of the company to develop creative solutions where there are problems…”
Why is this idealistic? We have CEO-marketers reaching across various parts of a company to develop market-sensitive solutions where there are problems.
We have CEO-engineers reaching across various parts of a company to facilitate across-the-board improvements in efficiencies (e.g. ISO standards).
Industrial Designers are no less capable of bringing their creative expertise to bear in other areas.
What I think I’m hearing is bias; the same kind of bias that illicits snickers when people suggest, for example, that Jonathan Ive be the next CEO of Apple. Thus, this portion of the comment – “I believe their greatest contribution to the firm lies with developing the company
Kristina Richardson
October 16, 2007 at 4:46 amEveryone can make a difference! If you are passionate about stopping global warming and the environment you should check out this website http://www.nvisioncfl.com . Changing to CFLs is a great way for individual people to really make a difference! You should also check out this site http://www.youtube.com/user/helpourworld for more ideas on how to help our world!