
Philips "Design Probes" into our Future

In the same spirit as Visions of the Future Project, Philips generously shares with us their research findings of what our possible lifestyles could be in the era post 2020. Called Design Probes it is:

…a dedicated ‘far-future’ research initiative to track trends and developments that may ultimately evolve into mainstream issues that have a significant impact on business.
The Probes generate insights from research in five main areas; politics, economic, culture, environments and technology futures.

The end result are a range of “narratives”, industrial design concepts and scenarios that are not predictions but instead are meant to stimulate discussion and debate. There are quite a number of projects on display, but the two most recent ones are:
SKIN: Dresses

One of this year’s Probe project areas is SKIN, which examines the future integration of sensitive materials in the area of emotional sensing – the shift from ‘ intelligent’ to ‘sensitive’ products and technologies.
As part of SKIN, we have developed two ‘Soft Technology’ outfits to identify the future for high tech materials and Electronic Textile Development in the area’s of skin and emotional sensing.
The dresses show emotive technology and how the body and the near environment can use pattern and color change to interact and predict the emotional state.

SKINTILE: Electronic Sensing Jewelry

Electronic Sensing Jewelry has been conceived alongside a European project, STELLA, (www.stella-project.de) developing stretchable, flexible electronic substrates that integrate energy supply, sensors, actuators, and display.
Skintile the Electronic Sensing Jewelry further explores emotional and physiological sensing. It is a new genre of product; a generation of wireless, stick-on body sensors that re-define traditional body adornment.
It explores a range of functionalities in new product forms that are playful, sensual, mood affected, bio activity stimulated, and arousal enhancing. It is a semi disposable, bio compatible, non-allergenic, breathable, mass customizable, self contained body worn accessory.

I am glad that a company like Philips understands that sharing their research and ideas is much better as it actually encourages the “seeds” to grow. Sometimes it is better to share than to protect. I find this it makes the design world a much better place to work in. Check out the rest of their ever evolving and growing project list at Philips Design Probes.

  • DT

    May 14, 2008 at 9:43 am Reply

    Hey Jim,
    Yes, their “Visions of the Future” is really game breaking. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments.

  • Jim Rait

    May 14, 2008 at 7:15 am Reply

    Philips have often shared their ideas. I used their website as provocation in our organization. I had a picture of this (link) on my wall and challenged people to tell me how we could do our version… after two years we decided we had the capability to actually do it…. Culturally, I believe, Philips found it difficult to build on their concepts… not unusual in larger companies (or smaller ones too!).
    >> Jim Rait last wrote: Ideas worth a glance?

  • N Goos

    April 15, 2008 at 6:12 pm Reply

    Your welcome, I enjoyed the article and keep up the nice work!

  • DT

    April 15, 2008 at 9:27 am Reply

    Hey N Goos,
    Thanks for your comments and feedback. Please keep in touch.

  • N Goos

    April 15, 2008 at 7:28 am Reply

    Nice article, I wasn’t aware Philips was sharing this buyt through your article I find out. Thanks and keep up the good work.

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