
A Tasty Finlandia iPhone 4 Cover could be Yours!

This give away is officially over! Winners will be contacted directly.

Finlandia iPhone 4 Accessory
Christmas comes early for all Design Sojourn readers! It is indeed the season of giving, but more on that later… (heh-heh)
Avid Design Sojourn reader and multidisciplinary industrial designer Juho Viitasalo was very kind to send over finished samples of his design work for Tunewear. Called Finlandia, they are a range of iPhone / iPad covers inspired by nature with a Nordic twist. The iPhone 4 version was recently launched in September 2010.
With Kickstarter fever still going strong, and my own Spaces for Ideas Collection 2, design entrepreneurship is probably at the top of every designer’s mind.
Therefore, I thought you would be interested in an interview with a designer that took that chance and chased his dream of designing and realizing his own product. I had planned to interview Juho but he beat me to it with a nice email introduction about himself and his work.

I’m born in Finland. I’ve lived and worked in Japan for five years this time. I’ve also lived here before. So, I can speak, read and write Japanese. Right now I’m in Osaka where I work at a company called Propex.
I studied industrial design in Lund (Sweden) and Copenhagen (DK). Lund University and Danmarks Designskole. I also speak Swedish. Besides Finnish and English.
Previously I have been involved with design at NASA and Finnair among other places.
Finlandia series was born when the owner of Tunewear (Hideki Francis Onda) and I decided to do something together. Tunewear already produced iPhone accessories and our idea was to create a new product family to compliment their other products. With a Nordic twist.
I came up with a concept of iPhone cases with colorful patterns that are created using only one single graphical element. These patterns could be made into various other Apple accessories too.
I also created the stories behind the patterns. All are tied to Finnish design tradition and culture.
I am intrigued by the interchange of physical form and graphical elements. This series is a good example of that interchange.
Finlandia Series is a family under Tunewear’s eggshell brand. The patterns are now on iPhone 3GS and 4 and iPad cases. They are sold in about 10 countries with Finland being the latest addition!
I have a lot of ideas in the pipeline that involve the physical form and graphics.
I guess I should add that I worked together with a package designer in Tokyo and Tunewear’s staff in Hong Kong to make the products become reality.
Also I must mention that the white cable winder is not my design. It is a standard Tunewear item they wanted to add into the package. The 3GS cases did not have the cable winder and that made the packages slimmer.

You can find Juho on his website and also on Twitter too.
I would now like to turn this interview into an open discussion to include all Design Sojourn readers. One of the most important things for a design entrepreneur is good constructive feedback for his work. So please do leave a comment or question below for Juho? He will stop by from time to time to answer your questions.
Here comes the fun part. To encourage your feedback, I have 5 of Juho’s Finlandia iPhone 4 cases to give away! Here is how you can score one:

1) I’ll be randomly selecting one comment to this article and giving that author/reader a Finlandia case! This selection will happen on the 8th of December and again on the 15th of December. So if you leave a comment here you have 2 chances to win. By the way, every comment counts so come back frequently to chat?
2) Leave a comment on this article on Design Sojourn’s Facebook page. The winner will be randomly selected on the 8th of December. You have 1 chance to win and don’t forget to “Like” us?

3) Commenting and/or retweeting this post on Twitter with a #finlandia hashtag. The winner will be randomly selected on the 15th of December. You will have 1 chance to win.

4) Finally I need some feedback too, help! Don’t you guys have anything to say about my new Spaces for Ideas prototypes? I’ll be randomly selecting a winner on my Spaces for Ideas Collection 2 article on the 8th of December. You will have 1 chance to win.

To be fair to everyone, there can be only 1 winner. You can increase your chances of winning by commenting at all 4 places. I will be contacting and announcing all winners as soon as the selection is done. I will also be randomly selecting the covers for you and shipping them to you for free. That all folks, don’t wait and start commenting away now!
Edit: Strange. Either you guys don’t like to leave comments or don’t want the covers!!! No matter, I’ll just select a few DS readers randomly from all my previous articles for the give away. Will be contacting you directly so do stay tuned! These includes the re-tweeters as well.

This give away is officially over! Winners will be contacted directly.

1 Comment
  • Design Translator

    December 15, 2010 at 1:01 pm Reply

    This give away is officially over! Winners will be contacted directly.

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