
Thoughts on the iPhone Xs Max

As a typical post-industrial type designer, I've given up the need to buy new stuff.  This MacBook Retina I'm writing this post on is Mid 2012, so new product "reviews" are pretty rare here.  However, due to extensive casing damage on my iPhone 6+, I


Are Mobile Phone Brands Really Copying iPhones?

In the last few months most of you would have read the endless press about Apple’s multiple lawsuits filed against their competitors claiming that they are stealing their intellectual property. Not only that, countless of


Don’t forget the Coffee?

2 Sugars is a wonderful little iPhone app by visual communications designer Gareth Hughes. It is perfect for when you are tasked to do that dreaded coffee run for the entire office. Great App for interns


The iPad kills Creativity?

Peter Bregman shares why he returned his iPad:

The brilliance of the iPad is that it's the anytime-anywhere computer. On the subway. In the hall waiting for the elevator. In a car on the way to the airport. Any free moment becomes a potential iPad moment.



iPad came before the iPhone

Awesome Engadget live blog covering an Interview with Steve Jobs at D8. It just ended. I found this little nugget very interesting: Steve: And same thing on the tablet. I remember telling you I thought handwriting was the slowest input method ever. We re-imagined


Apple's iPhone Strategy is Now Clear

I'm sure many of us "poo-pooed" Apple's first generation iPhone as sorely lacking in the technology department. However, no one can doubt the buzz the impending launch of the iPhone OS version 3.0 has created. On the flip side, if we can look


iPhone vs E71: What a Tough Choice?

What started with a number of Plurks and Twitter messages, snowballed into what you see above. I now have in my hands a very tasty E71 Steel White which I shamelessly lined up next to my equally tasty white iPhone 16GB! Alright I know you want details.