
Blog Action Day 2008 – Poverty (and Design)

October 15, is Blog Action Day 2008! This is where bloggers from around the world get together to talk about a common theme or topic. This year’s topic is about Poverty, and as Design Sojourn is a design blog, it will be about Poverty and Design.
I’ve decided to do something different, rather than write a post, I though I’ll give some “social currency” to a great design for the BOP or Bottom of the Pyramid.

The Chulha – a low tech, low smoke biomass stove, an initiative from Philips Design’s ongoing Philanthropy by Design program which promotes social empowerment through knowledge sharing, creativity and co-design. Based on deep and specific insights gathered from and tested by users, the Chulha was co-developed by designers, an NGO and users in India. Its innovative design significantly reduces indoor pollution. This is particularly significant as respiratory illness affects the health of the huge number of people living in developing societies who still cook indoors with biomass fuels (e.g. wood or dung). It is estimated that over 1.6 million people die as a result each year.

This is how design should be! Looking at real world problems and dealing with it creativity. This stove not only is more efficient in burning, it helps ensures that the smoke is moved out of the home reducing house hold soot and contaminants. Finally in typical designer fashion it can be dissembled for cleaning and comes in a nice earthly orange!
If you are interested in more information, check out a full write up at the Philips Design page. Please do not forget to Stumble or Digg the main site not mine! Also here is The Blog Action Day site.


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