
What can Design do for Business Innovation?

The UK Design Council has produced a nice little video interview with the likes of IDEO's Paul Bennett and Professor Roberto Verganti (of Design Driven Innovation fame) sharing their thoughts on what is design and what design can do for businesses. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/12819375?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff" width="521" height="293"


5 Secrets of Strategic Designers

The background of this article stems from my interest in how Strategic Industrial Design forms the backbone of thinking in the very best designers in our field. Therefore I have been quietly spending some time studying and observing strategic designers and their “modus operandi”.


What is Strategic Design?

Recently Raph, from the very excellent Design Droplets blog, wanted to know how I define Strategic Design. I never had to consciously apply strategic design and thinking methodologies as it was something that I just did through my daily design activities. It was, in


The Next Industrial Design Evolution

In short Industrial Design has evolved into a holistic expression of "everything" that is required to create the product. Expanding on this, the Industrial Design of these products were inspired by the product's manufacturing processes or materials and specifically designed to express it as


Industrial Design and The Branding Mad Men

It's about time, the (M)Ad Men figured that out. Well they sort of did before and there always been Industrial Designers in advertising and branding. But much of the focus then was on packaging design, and Industrial Design was often seen as nothing