
Meta Design Links: 19 Aug 07

1) What do you do when an executive says "I don't like orange" or "can we use circles in stead of squares"? Visual designer Nick Meyers of Cooper explains how the right kind of research with, not only the user, but also the stakeholder can


The Evolution of the Toothbrush

I've always been told to get my mouth out of the sink or never drink from a public facet as it is a festering hole of germs. You know the things people tend to do in sinks, like rinse their after dinner mouths, clear


Clever Graffiti

A collection of some of the most creative graffiti ever. Though annoying, graffiti continues the best means of understated social commentary. Check out the rest of the images at Dark Roasted Blend. Via: Stray dog scraps.


Oakley is Looking Beyond Design

I have always been a big fan of Oakley sunglasses since a very good designer friend (a hard core collector) got me into it. However just today an interesting cosmic convergence happened and I had to write about it. Firstly I recently after much deliberation


Wacom Bamboo: It's all in the name?

I've always been a fan of drawing tablets though I have the toughest time getting my drawings right by using it. I've even written extensively on it, comparing the differences of sketching in a traditional sketch book, to sketching on a drawing tablet and


Designing for Overcoming Information Overload

Check out Hackzine's video blog on how this (apparently famous in his field) blogger named Scoble reads 622 Feeds a day. It’s interesting to see in today's internet environment, the deeply wired net surfer has to deal with the fact the blogs and post


Brionvega's Latest

Brionvega, known for its very esoteric consumer electronics, launched their latest LCD+DVD player called Alpha at the recent Milan Design Week. I have always been a fan of Brionvega's strong design language, and the ability to use design to make a difference in the competitive CE


CeBit Australia 2007 Part 1

A big hello from CeBit Australia! I'm currently hanging out at the CeBit Blogger Zone, after the very helpful Danny (who looks after the area) help me set up a wireless connection. I'm not going to type too much at this stage, I'll


Samsung NV10 Review

The Samsung NV10 digital camera is a sublimely designed camera that really considered all the past joys of manual cameras packaged all in a brilliantly retro styled hedonistic black housing. I picked up this beauty a few weeks before I moved to Australia, and so far


Hands on the $100 Laptop

Unfortunately I am not so lucky. That lucky person that got his hands on one is Paul Stamatiou. Ah what I would have to give to own one or even the experience of playing around with one. I have written a lot


Trends in the 2007's Business and Design Landscape

Jess McMullin over at bplusd has created and visual graphic of the Business and Design Landscape for 2007. Its looks pretty interesting as it contains a decent breakdown of not just consulting firms, but also schools, events, publications, and corporate groups. We liked the way of


Clickless Computer Interface

Ever wondered what if a computer was designed with an interface that never required using a button for clicking? Is it more intuitive or has clicking been ingrained in our psyche? Dont Click It is a very cool and interesting experimental site by the Institute


The Museum of Modern Betas

A cool name of a fascinating site on the web's most anticipated Web 2.0 applications based on who has bookmarked it on Del.icio.us (god that is a web address I can never remember). The Museum of Modern Betas has a nice list of who and what


This Buddha Machine is Just Delightfully Tacky!

Called “Beautifully useless” by the New York Times, the Buddha Machine is an interesting yet simple product, which reminds us of a less complicated time by defying the current convention of sleek. It just snubs the Cult of Mac by giving the bird to everything