
Design Unplugged Podcast 01: How important is Rendering in Design?

We had such a good response to the podcasts published during the Icsid world design congress, that I think I might turn this into a regular thing. The podcast will be published either weekly or bi-weekly, we have not decided.
You might also have noticed that its “we” in this equation and not I, because the podcast series will be jointly created with non-other than Feng Zhu! Do enjoy and we love to hear your feedback and comments.

  • Emmanuel Gilloz

    December 10, 2009 at 6:01 am Reply

    Hi, I agree also about this importance, and can’t add more…And justly there an exhibition in France about this very discussed topic.
    Even if it’s not exactly about the rendering, it’s about the role of the sketch within the design process, and it’s really interesting, you can have an excerpt here
    Or for more details look at this page (in French but the pictures tell):
    And “bonne continuation” I enjoy your posts 🙂

  • Jeff

    December 8, 2009 at 10:46 pm Reply

    It’s a means to an end, like most of the skills designers have. Pretty renderings are fun to look at, but if the overall design lacks substance than most will be able to see through the superficial. Renderings are powerful tools when trying to convey your ideas to people, but your end goal shouldn’t be a pretty rendering, it should be a well designed product.

  • DT

    December 8, 2009 at 10:33 pm Reply

    Hi Pernilla,
    Thanks for dropping by and sharing your comments. I agree the skill is important and complementary, but we do often not look past the presentation for the content and content can be hurt by a poor presentation. I think that is the take away message at the end. Please keep in touch!
    Hi Billy,
    Thanks for the wonderful suggestions, we will definitely take this into consideration when we go for the next podcast!

  • Billy Wimblett

    December 8, 2009 at 7:21 pm Reply

    Hi, I’ve really enjoyed listening to the last two podcasts with Feng and yourself. I think it would be really cool to hear Feng go into detail about how he started out in the industry – before art center, his first job at Origin etc – for those of us trying to get into the concept design industry ourselves. Also I would be really interested to hear how Fengs approach to design has evolved from his first job to now. Anyway, these are just some of my suggestions, I look forward to the next podcast.

  • Pernilla Johansson

    December 8, 2009 at 4:40 am Reply

    Hi there, interesting topic and though I agree that the actual act of design is central, being the creation of a solution carried out through an intellectual process, I think it’s equally important to be able to communicate the result eg in form of a rendring. I would consider this complementary and not contradictive.

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