
Which Design Student are You?

Chuck Dillion, a lecturer at The Hussian School of Art in Philadelphia, has sketched a cartoon of the different Design students he has encountered in his 10 year teaching career. Great Stuff! Here are my favorites: <img src="https://designsojourn.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/dirty-500x528.jpg" alt="dirty" title="dirty" width="500" height="528" class="aligncenter size-medium


Redesigning The Rock-Paper-Scissors Game

I really enjoy reading blogs where the author shares his or her musings and anecdotal thoughts. I find that this gives a good insight into how that author thinks. Even better if these thoughts come from a designer. Check out Smart Design's


Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Probably the thing that irks me the most [in car design] is when I see this repetition of the known, because it shows people have comfort zones that are too tight to themselves and they’re really afraid to walk out of those. And then somebody


My 100 Push Ups Challenge!

Get this crazy toy from Amazon! Something off the beaten track today. I usually I don't talk about non-design issues here on Design Sojourn, but as I made a 2008 New Year resolution to lead a healthier and fitter lifestyle, I like to catalog this


The Lifecycle of a Designer: Part 1

Edit: Spelling and grammar checked and re-checked as per popular request! One thing that I believe many designers, managers of designers, or buyers of design talent will struggle with, is the understanding of a Designer's Lifecycle within the design industry. Dealing with Lifecycle problems come in many


The Art of Selling

One of my first bosses taught me an important lesson. Good designers are a dime a dozen, he said. Coming up with a great design solution is the easy part. The hard part, he said, is getting the client to accept the solution. "But if the work


Designer Portfolio Shootout!

More often than not, fresh graduate designers have found themselves searching for a design job, unaware of what they are capable of. Hence, when it comes to interviews, they fall short of showing their unique design capabilities, which makes them stand out from the others.


Bootstrapping Software

Edit 1: Updated 13 December 2008 I'm currently conducting an experiment, as I move towards my bid to become a bootstrapping Design-Entrepreneur. I have 2 objectives. The first is to install as little software as possible on my computer and use everything online as