
Design Thinking Experts Fill In Gaps Between Steps

How do you identify the best Design Thinkers? Separate the men from the mice? They can fill in the gaps between the steps. Design Thinking has been expressed as codifying how designers think. However, when a process gets codified, the tendency is to simplify it for the purpose of


Design Methods for Everyone

I have always enjoyed discussing Design Methods and frequently use Damien Newman's Squiggle as a means to visually describe the Design or Design Thinking process. But how do you describe the feeling when you are knee deep in the process? How do you sort yourself


Anthropology of Television

The following guest post is written by Maurice McGinley, a friend and former colleague at Philips Design. While some of the points might be a little outdated, this post showcases a methodology of Design Research and Design Led Innovation that is practiced in companies


Design is also a Recursive Activity

When we iterated in a Design Process, it is actually a refinement activity where one evolution gives way to the next evolution. However when developing a design, especially when the design is complex, a simple iteration does not deal with the myriad of other


Let the Materials Design Itself

John Cho Moore grew tired of the limitations of the industrial design process and is now trying to capture the essence of design with his beautifully handmade bamboo and canvas bags. Follow John through his unique manufacturing process that challenges convention thinking


Inspiration is for Amateurs

Chuck Close from Wisdom said:

The advice I like to give young artists, or really anybody who’ll listen to me, is not to wait around for inspiration. Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of


When Designing: Focus on Methods, Not Process

Bryan over at the ZURBlog wrote that designers should focus on methods, not process.

At a glance, method and process may seem like the same thing, but a closer look reveals their distinct differences. A method is a how you do something, while process is putting