
Business Design Toolkit

Our Design Led Innovation client consulting or facilitation sessions often involves a business diagnostic activity, that is split into something I fondly call: hard and soft diagnostics. A hard diagnostic, aptly called as it covers hard financial numbers,


The Inverted Bike Shop

It's funny. As a kid I loved riding bikes. What I loved even more was tinkering with them. I had this classic Chopper (you know, with that smaller front wheel?) that I hacked


Design is Really Business Risk Management

When I talk to clients about budgets required to bring good design to the table, I get a lot of interesting looks and comments from them that imply one thing: they feel that design is a risky part of their business. You see, what business people


Chris Bangle on Design Leadership

Bradley Derry (at Fuel Your Product Design) ran a really nice interview with Chris Bangle on what makes a good design leader. It is really good to hear from Chris, a friend of Design Sojourn, who has been somewhat quiet of late. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/24080982?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="520"


F*ck You. Pay Me. (nsfw)

The ever-witty Mike Monteiro, famous for his potty mouth, shared at a recent San Francisco Creative Mornings talk, the ups and downs of running a design business. For example, dealing with problems such as getting clients to pay up, getting comfortable with


9 Lessons from a Design Entrepreneur

Sometime in 2006, I decided that if I were going to be designing commercially successful products and strategies, I would need to know what it is really like to run a business, a business that would


From Unthinking Design to Design Thinking

I recently spoke to a person who has successfully started to integrated design thinking into his organization. He re-emphasized the word “started” because he feels his organization is still making the journey. Even so, his organization is already starting to see the benefits


Minding our Own Business

Let the design team be the design experts. Your job is to be the business expert. Ask them how their design solutions meet your business goals. If you trust your design team, and they can explain how their recommendations map to those goals, you’re fine.


Design Business Review

Designers are in the business of doing business; their clients rely on them to make smart, market-savvy decisions and yet there is no resource to provide the necessary knowledge to make these decisions wisely. DBR is simple, pragmatic advice on the business of creativity. Our