Design Sojourn Rebranded!
Our Facebook fans had a little treat last week, when they caught wind of Design Sojourn's new look. Developed together with my friends from Black Design, this rebranding initiative was targeted to coincide with our
Our Facebook fans had a little treat last week, when they caught wind of Design Sojourn's new look. Developed together with my friends from Black Design, this rebranding initiative was targeted to coincide with our
It is time for a long overdue update on my Spaces for Ideas Project. This time I like to share with you the brand that I am building for this
This has really been a long time coming, but I never really had the time to get down to doing it. Now at home and nursing the flu, I have decided to spend a little time putting the finishing touches on my new Design
I recently had a discussion with my better half on how "Loyalty Points" are pointless these days. (Please excuse the pun!) I rather have a clutter free wallet than carry my Ikea or local hardware store loyalty card. Why accumulate points and work
In a blink of an eye, a potential buyer would have entered a store, quickly scan the different products on the shelf and then make a decision to engage with a particular product. All this happens in just 3-5 seconds! A product’s external housing is one of
Or: How to build your personal brand by blogging?
The very lovely Pat Law from Ogilvy's 360 Digital Influence Team, has invited me to share some of my thoughts on this theme. I will be thinking about what to present over the next few days, but at this time it looks like my
Apple customarily comes late to the game, sitting and watching and then releasing its own, usually better, take on the current offerings. If Apple went to a party, it would turn up last and leave with the hottest girl there.
Via: Anders via <a
It's about time, the (M)Ad Men figured that out. Well they sort of did before and there always been Industrial Designers in advertising and branding. But much of the focus then was on packaging design, and Industrial Design was often seen as nothing
I am a strong believer in self-branding. This website and everything online that I participate in should be a measured expression of what the Design Sojourn brand should be. So it was nice to stumble onto Mel's blog and his research on
I was watching AXN's Super CSI Sunday (Yes I am a CSI fan, who isn't?) last night and there ran an ad of the newly branded Turbo Jet, a service provider that takes you from Hong
Image by: Dan Shirley
The Question of the Week comes from Ezra, who read and wanted to expand on some of the ideas discussed in my Pillar Article: How to be a Design Superstar.
Wallpaper Magazine has done a nice write up on the history of the Singapore Girl and her fashionable Sarong Kebaya uniforms. A true design classic that embodies all aspects of the Singapore Airlines brand, in fact, I would go as far as to
Something I love to do is receive emails suggestions or get feedback from all my readers on how I can better tailor your experience when you visit Design Sojourn. However what I have not done is actually turn it into a formal exercise to
Fitting that this should go to long time reader and fellow designer Drew Kora, for his comment left on this post. Wow time really flies when you are having fun! Thanks Drew for all the great feedback and please keep do keep in
Always ever eager to improve your "surfing experience" here at Design Sojourn, I have been tweaking around with the coding of my website. It's not final but I'm experimenting on different "ingredients" to see if it works for you and me. 1) I've decided to
A design and branding case study on 2 of the more prominent Singaporean consumer brands Creative and OSIM. We track their success, as well as comment on what they can do to overcome their current struggles in this very fast pace and fickle consumer
Know thy enemy and know thyself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know thyself but not thy enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not thyself, wallow in defeat every time. ~ Sun Tzu Well in our case it's not really
I always thought that Tom Peter's "Brand You" idea was a great thing to do especially if you want to get ahead in today's ultra-competitive work environment. I do know the power of a brand and know what it can do for you. Thus I