
Design Gone Wrong 1!

This has to be the world's most useless hook. This hook, I noticed on a tour bus, does not stick out far enough nor is it deep enough. Feels very much like an afterthought.


Penguin Books cover Design

Image from YES Design The books, reissued as part of the Penguin on Design series, include Munari’s 1965 book, Design As Art; McLuhan’s 1967 classic, The Medium is the Massage; Berger’s seminal Ways Of Seeing from 1972; and Sontag’s 1977 essay, On Photography. Penguin has republished 4


The Best Designs come during Tough Economic Times

Image from BusinessWeek, original camera image comes from Ralph London of the London Collection. Check out this interesting article on Wired.com on how Bill Buxton, a Microsoft Researcher has complimented Jony Ive and how Jony has learn from the success of Kodak's Vest Pocket camera


Are you Reading, Thinking or Doing?

We can’t get good at something solely by reading about it. And we’ll never make giant leaps in any endeavor by treating it like a snack food that we munch on whenever we’re getting bored. You get good at something by doing it repeatedly. And


Kenya Hara on "Designing Design"

As part of Google's Authors@Google, Kenya Hara discusses his awesome book "Designing Design" and his new book "White". Warning, it runs for 53 mins and is about 78 MB! If you have not already get the book here on Amazon: Designing Design - Kenya Hara Designer Kenya


iPhone vs E71: What a Tough Choice?

What started with a number of Plurks and Twitter messages, snowballed into what you see above. I now have in my hands a very tasty E71 Steel White which I shamelessly lined up next to my equally tasty white iPhone 16GB! Alright I know you want details.


The Next Industrial Design Evolution

In short Industrial Design has evolved into a holistic expression of "everything" that is required to create the product. Expanding on this, the Industrial Design of these products were inspired by the product's manufacturing processes or materials and specifically designed to express it as


Monocle video podcasts on iTunes

Being the Multi-disciplinary sort of designer, I was highly impressed with Monocle when I picked it up at one of my better newsstands early last year. Therefore I was very please to discover Monocle as a video podcast on iTunes and free to boot!


10 Tips on landing you an Industrial Design Job

Originally published on 20 April, 2006. Edit 1: Updated 25 Aug 2007 Edit 2: Updated 16 Nov 2008. This has to be one of the "classics" here at Design Sojourn, and a post that got me noticed in the blogosphere! Here it is updated again for 2008!


A Good Design Makes your Mind BLINK!

(This post was updated and edited. The original was published on the 19 Dec, 2005!) John Maeda, formerly from MIT Media Labs, and now RISD President, spoke about how "good art makes our mind blink". John was referencing Malcolm Gladwell's Blink with his art


It is Design Sojourn's 3rd Birthday!

Image: Happy 3rd Birthday by Laura-Beth Wow I almost missed it yet again! Yesterday, November 09, was Design Sojourn's 3rd birthday. It has been 3 great years of blogging and to mark this event it I have been thinking about what I should do to celebrate