
What can Design do for Business Innovation?

The UK Design Council has produced a nice little video interview with the likes of IDEO's Paul Bennett and Professor Roberto Verganti (of Design Driven Innovation fame) sharing their thoughts on what is design and what design can do for businesses. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/12819375?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff" width="521" height="293"


Chris Bangle on Design Leadership

Bradley Derry (at Fuel Your Product Design) ran a really nice interview with Chris Bangle on what makes a good design leader. It is really good to hear from Chris, a friend of Design Sojourn, who has been somewhat quiet of late. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/24080982?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="520"


Let the Materials Design Itself

John Cho Moore grew tired of the limitations of the industrial design process and is now trying to capture the essence of design with his beautifully handmade bamboo and canvas bags. Follow John through his unique manufacturing process that challenges convention thinking


9 Lessons from a Design Entrepreneur

Sometime in 2006, I decided that if I were going to be designing commercially successful products and strategies, I would need to know what it is really like to run a business, a business that would


Build Ecosystems not Products

It is commonly known that Apple does not use user-centered research to help the Business determine what they should create or do next. They go one better. They build "playing fields" wide enough for people to do as they please.

Apple has recognized what


From Unthinking Design to Design Thinking

I recently spoke to a person who has successfully started to integrated design thinking into his organization. He re-emphasized the word “started” because he feels his organization is still making the journey. Even so, his organization is already starting to see the benefits


How to Get your Designs into MoMa?

Paula Antonelli indirectly answers the question "What makes good design?” by sharing some of MoMa's selection criteria. <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"