
Is Good Design Making us Stupid?

Jeremy Keith writes: Convenience. Ease of use. Seamlessness. On the face of it, these all seem like desirable traits in digital and physical products alike. But they come at a price. When we design, we try to do the work so that the user doesn’t have to.


Nimble Design Firms should Do Good

So it seems that Frog's Chief Creative Officer, Mark Rolston, has left to start Argo a "new type" of design firm that is a hybrid mix of design agency, incubator and product development group. With argo, Rolston is looking to create a nimble design group that


Design Methods for Everyone

I have always enjoyed discussing Design Methods and frequently use Damien Newman's Squiggle as a means to visually describe the Design or Design Thinking process. But how do you describe the feeling when you are knee deep in the process? How do you sort yourself


What is the Value of Design?

The British Design Council has found that every £1 spent on design gives you over £20 in increased revenue, £4 increased profit and £5 in increased exports. A very nice and handy statistic to be liberally used in your next discussion with a business


Business Design Toolkit

Our Design Led Innovation client consulting or facilitation sessions often involves a business diagnostic activity, that is split into something I fondly call: hard and soft diagnostics. A hard diagnostic, aptly called as it covers hard financial numbers,


Samsung's Design Aesthetic is Minimal Organic

I don't make this kind of stuff up. According to Surface Magazine Asia:

Samsung's aesthetic motto, Minimal Organic, is all about simplicity and a focus on softer features. The applies to small, mobile products, just as much as larger hardware like TV or speakers.


Anthropology of Television

The following guest post is written by Maurice McGinley, a friend and former colleague at Philips Design. While some of the points might be a little outdated, this post showcases a methodology of Design Research and Design Led Innovation that is practiced in companies